Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I got up in the morning, all fresh and free
Went out in the world, thinking I could just be me
I was doing my thing, strutting my stuff
When somebody caught me, redhanded like he had a handcuff
He was like, “Yo! What’s the scene with you? All acting up like the way you do?”
I said, "It's me, yo! Just doing my thing. Nothin’ special. No secrecy”
“It ain’t cool”, he said and I asked, “Why?”
“It just is”, he said and then really replied…

It just is and why so God only knows
Don’t ask, just do what they taught you to
Who taught? Where & When? There is no clue
Like DUDE!!!

Maybe next time I’ll remember how
To follow these rules and fit in the crowd
But I’d first give myself a reality check
To remind myself to go, “What the heck?”
“This shit ain’t cool. It’s like you’ve been schooled.
To be somebody, you could never ever be.
Coz you never really found your self out, you see
When you were born they took by the horns
And they dunked you in a pond

It just is and why so God only knows
Don’t ask, just do what they taught you to
Who taught? Where & When? There is no clue
Like DUDE!!!